Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
It has been a long and wonderful day around here. There were tons of exciting things going on both on camp and off. Here are the highlights…

- The Copper Falls and canoe trips got back today full of energy. The staff on the canoe trip were extremely impressed with the skills and determination that the campers showed on the paddle. The campers on the Copper Falls trip loved every minute of it, but I think s’mores were their favorite part. The trips this summer have been awesome and we are very thankful to our trippers for planning trips that are just right for our campers.

- This afternoon, our senior soccer team headed over to Camp Nicolet for a soccer game. The entire game was quite intense. Joie Y played in goal, and she did an awesome job. Goals were scored by Hannah S and Maya H, but the whole team worked hard together. The game ended in a tie, and it was decided that there would be no shoot-out. The coach, Callam Jones, was very proud of the girls for competing so hard and having such great sportsmanship.

- Right before dinner, we all went to the Center Fire Circle for the announcement of the Kahuna Day captains. Kahuna Day is similar to UN Day in that the camp is broken up into four teams and they compete all day in a wide variety of activities. There are four captains chosen from each village, and it is a huge honor to be a team captain. The Colt Village captains are Eliza M, Noa F, Lucy G and Talia S. The Wrangler Village captains are Sari L, Chloe S, Leah B and Talia K. We are very excited for Kahuna Day and feel that these campers are fantastic representatives of their age groups.

Tonight we had a Chippy dance party with Monster Entertainment. Chippy girls are amazing dancers- each in their own special way. I will say that the enthusiasm shown by the staff and campers was incredible and the energy put into dancing tonight was insane. The cabin of Silverspurs did not stop dancing and their moves were quite creative. All campers and counselors had a blast dancing their hearts out and we love that everyone at #CRC2014 feels so comfortable dancing how they feel :).
Finally, before the night ended, we played Tan & White Stalk the Lantern. As Cliff, Jessica, Alexa and I sat in the middle of the bullseye formed in the South Field, we tried our hardest to catch as many campers as we could. Tonight though, there were a ton of Tans and Whites who got to the center and received 100 points for their teams. The Whites won this evening, but both teams were great and had lots of fun.
So that’s July 24th in Chippyland- we had a fabulous day. Thanks for reading tonight and have a lovely night!
Happy Camping and Love,