Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
Another week in Chippyland has passed and today’s cabin day was a fantastic way to end it. Here are the highlights…

- Today was an excellent day for everyone. After Sunday morning brunch, we had sign-ups and cabin bonding. It is the final sign-ups of the summer (sad face), and campers were excited to create their ideal schedules. Mother Nature had some trouble making decisions today, so it was a mixture of rain and sunshine. That being said, it didn’t stop our staff from playing games like Bingo, Taboo, the “Headband Game” and the “Paper Bag Game.” All of these were enjoyed by our campers, and were fun for me to watch!

- Tonight was the big performance that we have all been waiting for. Songfest 2014 arrived and it lived up to the hype. The Super Mario Tans and the White House both did a fantastic job. The volume was impressive, the songs were creative, and the moves were well coordinated. Both teams have been working extremely hard and the Grand & Chief sachems poured their hearts and souls into it. Watching the show was very cool, and I was so impressed with the uniformity of the teams. While both the Tans and the Whites were beyond incredible, the White House was the winner tonight. We are so proud of the entire camp for their commitment over the past two weeks, and are looking forward to singing the newest White song in the lodge next summer.

- Over the past week or so, we have had a ton of visitors. Lakeview 2006 was here over the weekend to celebrate Jenny Day. Additionally, the Richter girls came to watch Songfest and support their Grand Sachem sister, Nikki. My parents were here for a couple of nights which was very nice. There were also a number of other staff who had parents visiting. I love when parents of staff are here and get to see their daughters in action. They get to see firsthand the love and care that their daughters show their campers. It is all very sweet. The other visitors that I must mention are honorary Chippies, Jason and Emily Keith. Emily is one of my oldest friends and she has visited camp for many summers. They have become part of the Chippewa family and we all look forward to their visits each summer. This upcoming week, we have a ton of alumni coming to visit. We are excited to see them and know they will bring lots of energy and Chippy spirit!
And that’s about all from #CRC2014. Good times were had by all, and everyone is ready for some good rest tonight. Thanks for reading- don’t forget to check back tomorrow.
Happy Camping and Love,