Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
What a lovely cabin day we had! Here are the highlights…

- This morning we had our traditional Sunday brunch which is always quite popular. Ron and Amy Berger (camp doctor family) concluded their week here by taking over my job of making the scrambles. Their help was greatly appreciated and they were quite the chefs! Their son, Jack, helped as a runner and he was great. Overall, the campers were very happy with their breakfast options :).

- Later this morning and into the afternoon, the entire camp went into Minocqua for lunch and some shopping. It was fun to walk around to all of the restaurants and shops seeing cabin groups eating and browsing together. It is funny how when we are at camp, a couple hours in town seems like such a novelty. Before boarding the buses, I sat with the campers and counselors from Blackfoot. There are seven campers in there, and they are our youngest campers. As they showed me what they bought, I was very impressed. They all bought something for a family member or for their camp big sisters. It was very sweet to listen to and I loved to hear how they were thinking of others even though they had limited funds.

- Tonight’s dinner was pizza made by our staff. I must say that although I was not a part of the process this evening (or maybe because I was not a part of the process), the pizza was outstanding. They got creative with pesto, parmesan crust and other delicious creations.

- The evening program tonight was Big and Little Sis Night. Big and little sisters have been excited for this all week. They dressed up together and went around from station to station playing games against other big and little sisters. Some of the competitions included cupcake decorating, water balloon toss, dance competition and shoe toss from a swing. It all ended with a quiz about who knows their big/little sister best. Tonight’s big winners were Nicole B & Sydney F along with Halle G & Ruby W. The CITs did a fantastic job with this program and we appreciate their efforts in setting up the big and little sisters as well as providing an awesome night of bonding!
That is all of the excitement from #CRC2014 today. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to a very warm and action-packed day tomorrow. I hope you all had a nice weekend and that you enjoyed reading tonight! Have a good one.
Happy Camping,
PS Our internet in Chippyland is currently down. Please excuse the lack of pictures in this edition of The Sari Diaries. Also, Daily Photos will be posted as soon as the internet is up and running. Thanks for your understanding!