Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
The start of second session has been amazing thus far. Here are today’s highlights…
- This morning was quite busy for the Chippies. The bus left Northbrook Court ten whole minutes early and after a couple of first day jitters, everyone on the buses had a great time. As the buses were on their way, eight week campers (and some second session campers) were dropped off at camp. Once they arrived, counselors kept them busy playing games, walking around camp and getting back into the camp mode. The buses got to Chippyland at about 2pm and everyone headed to the Center Fire Circle to learn what cabin they were in. The first few moments were an awesome way to begin second session- the hugs that were going around coupled with the excitement in the air, was so nice to see and feel.

- After dinner, we had our Friendship Fire. It was lots of fun and was a very upbeat way to enjoy a night by the campfire. There was a Talking Contest won by Grace F, we sang “Walking,” and had a Keylog Ceremony. The Friendship Fire Keylog Ceremony is always so cool- one person from each city represented at camp throws in a Keylog which connects his/her city with Chippewa. It is incredible how many different cities are present at #CRC2014.

- Part of cabin bonding this evening included a camp-sponsored food party. As Sophie and I walked around to the cabins, it was very cute to see the groups sitting in a circle eating and chatting. The general feel within the cabins is very warm (not in temperature)…counselors are doing a really nice job of facilitating unity within cabins and their love for camp is definitely trickling down to their campers- both new and old.

- The final event of today was our weekly meeting with Lakeview. This group has been fantastic thus far and these meetings serve two purposes…they allow us to hear their ideas and perspectives on camp programs and issues as well as spend some quality time with our oldest campers. Tonight, we had a big McDonalds party with them and then got down to business. Talia K and Miriam H are working with their counselor, Suzy Topel, to create GCI- the Green Chippy Initiative (working title). They are very eager to help make Chippewa an even more eco-friendly environment. The goal is to offer GCI as an activity in which campers can learn about being kind to the environment while creating action plans to implement at camp.

That is about it for today- it was a truly wonderful day at CRC. This group of second session campers are fabulous and I am confident that this is going to be an awesome four weeks. Thanks for reading- check back tomorrow to read about the awesomeness that is bound to occur around here :).
Happy Camping and Love,