The Sari Diaries- Monday 7/28/14

Monday, July 28 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

What a day we had here in Chippyland! There was an entire day of regular activities full of camper achievements and excitement. Here are the details…

  1. I had the opportunity while walking around today to try out the ropes course. It is one of my very favorite activities and I was so happy to climb that spiral staircase. While up on the course, I had the chance to watch a Blackfoot camper, Mari W, walk across the “Stairway to Heaven” for the first time. She displayed an incredible amount of determination and poise and eventually, she got the hang of it and got all the way up. The staff on the activity were extremely patient and helpful with their guidance. It was an awesome series of events that I was thrilled to witness.

  1. Janie Kahan, who was a camper here for a number of years as well as a CIT last summer, was up at camp filming the Chip Dub. The Chip Dub is a combination lip sync and music video shot at all around camp to a number of Chippy favorite tunes. Campers and staff had roles and everyone was really into the production. We cannot wait to see the final product which we will share with all of our camper families.

  1. Two trips went out today. The Silverspurs and Lucky-X second session campers went to Crystal Lake and they are having a blast. Reports from the staff indicate that there is lots of laughing going on and they are enjoying their time away. Additionally, the optional rock climbing trip left this morning. They are climbing in Devil’s Lake and loving it!

  2. This evening’s program was the Unity Club Carnival. The Unity Club Director, Lauren Reisman, did a fabulous job organizing the night. There was music, sno-cones, cotton candy, sack races, baggo and jump roping. Cabins dressed up in outfits to match different themes which included rock-stars, food items, clowns and more. Throughout the night, campers received tickets for dancing and participation in other activities in the South Field. At the end of the night, those tickets were used for the big raffle. The entire male staff got decked in costumes and they each had a prize they donated to the raffle. The prizes ranged from rest hour blobbing to commissary for a day. The campers were ecstatic and the boys were great sports.

  1. Late last night, Mar Comin and Kato Hinden arrived for a visit. They are both Ten Year Chippies and it is so nice to have them back. They were around camp all day and were excited to see the improvements at camp and hear from campers about all the fun they are having.

That’s a wrap from #CRC2014. Fantastic things were happening all day long at activities and tonight was amazing. Have a lovely evening and a wonderful day tomorrow!

Happy Camping and Love,