Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
Though not the warmest day of the summer, today has been awesome! There were lots of fun things going on all day and night. Here are the highlights…

- This morning, in the South Field, Maddie Goone led all-camp aerobics and yoga. Everyone enjoyed this time together and the morning concluded with most Colt Villagers as well as some of the male staff learning a dance to “Classic,” which was later performed at dinner as a flash mob (very cute).

- After lunch we announced the Tan and White Teams, followed by sign-ups. New campers were very excited to find out their teams and learn some of their cheers. Additionally, two new sachems were elected to the White Team because their previous sachems left at the four week mark. Congratulations to Caroline H, the Hunter Sachem, and Sydney M, the Warrior sachem. Sign-ups went smoothly and it seems that all of the Chippies are very happy with their schedules. When I was down at sign-ups, I loved seeing campers walking around signing up both with girls in their cabin as well as in their age groups.

- While not in sign-ups, campers had fun bonding with their cabins and age groups. Each cabin had a Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament and the winners competed against other cabin champions. The overall camp winner of the Rock-Paper-Scissors tourney was Sally M from Rafter ^ X. The competition was fierce, but Sally’s skills along with the support from her cabinmates was impressive and helped her pull off the win.

- Tonight’s evening program was Tan & White Skit Night. This is always quite the entertaining program and tonight was no exception. The Braves from each team created a commercial to promote their team…both teams did a great job with this. The Hunters created a cheer for their team and I must say that they were incredibly enthusiastic! The Warriors made up songs which were very impressive. The finale was the skit from the Chiefs. The Whites performed a #WhiteTeamProblems skit while the Tans did a spoof of “Ned’s Declassified.” Each of these skits were “laugh out loud funny,” and both campers and staff enjoyed. The winners tonight were the Tans, but both teams truly shined this evening.
And that was our day around here…it was da bomb. We are all looking forward to beginning activities tomorrow and are excited for the entire week ahead. I hope you enjoyed this peek into #CRC2014 today- thanks for reading!
Happy Camping and Love,