The Sari Diaries- Wednesday 6/18/14

Wednesday, June 18 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Today was the first day of regular activities and it was incredible. There were so many great moments, but here are a few of the highlights…

  1. This morning began at 10am with our very first activity of 2014. At trampball, they did “tramp-aerobics,” at climbing, they began with a team-building activity, at fishing, they learned how to bait a hook, and all over camp fun was had. I opted to participate in first period tennis so that I could hit with the Senior Tennis Team. There is a lot of impressive skill on that team and I am hoping they will help improve my game throughout the summer ☺.

  1. Tonight was our first all-camp BBQ for dinner. There were chicken breasts, hotdogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, corn, fruit salad and our excellent salad bar. The meal was delicious and Cliff even helped do some grilling!

  1. This evening, as is Chippewa tradition on the third night of camp, we had our staff show. The immense talent on this staff was displayed as some danced, some acted, and some sang. The male staff performance was one of the best I can remember, and while the campers loved every single act, they got a real kick out of the boys. Additionally, the senior staff performed “She’s In Love With A Boy,” which is a dance that has been performed on the Chippy stage since 1999. Overall, the staff worked hard and truly entertained the campers.

  1. After the staff show, we had an all-camp dance party. Campers and staff danced like crazy until the night finally had to come to an end. We always love a good dance party where everyone can dance how they feel and enjoy singing their hearts out to all of the Chippy favorites.

  2. Finally, as cabins got ready for bed, there was lots of cabin bonding and hanging out. I stopped by the cabin of Boots, and we played UNO, which was a ton of fun. Aside from that, A-Frame began reading a cabin book, Timber Walk already began preparing for their Lip Sync and many other cabins played games to continue uniting as a group.

There were many other great things happening around camp today. From activities to the Adler Lodge and from the theater to cabins, this camp is alive with energy and love. Thanks for reading all about today- have a wonderful evening and check back tomorrow for another update!

Happy Camping and Love,