Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
What a great day this has been! Celebrations, performances and campers being honored were all a part of this magical day at Chippewa. Here are the highlights…

- After breakfast this morning, we all gathered at the Center Fire Circle for a special ceremony to announce the United Nations Day captains. A week from Monday is UN Day, which is an amazing day of competition, spirit and sportsmanship. The entire camp is divided into four countries (this year they are Belize, Switzerland, Cameroon and Greece), and these teams compete in activities ranging from word search to flag football to log rolling and many others. The captains of these teams are chosen based on their leadership, kindness and overall character. Four captains are chosen from the oldest age group in Colt Village and four are chosen from the oldest cabin in Wrangler Village. The 2014 UN Day captains are Elyssa F, Casey C, Becca K, Spencer B, Olivia A, Reese L, Ryan S and Morgan J. They are all very excited and the entire camp is proud of these eight campers!

- At lunch, we surprised Lisa with a Ten Year celebration. It feels like Lisa has been a part of this camp forever and it is impossible to imagine camp without her. Because of this, every single person at camp was eager to honor her for her “Ten years of service, and her friendship too.” The campers gathered in a circle to tell Lisa how awesome she was by sharing adjectives to describe her and her contributions to camp. In addition, the staff sang a couple of songs written special for Lisa. Cliff ended with a really nice speech and presented the camp with a Keylog box to commemorate Lisa’s Ten Year. Overall, the program was really sweet and we were all happy to celebrate a person who has dedicated her life to making Chippewa such a special place!

Tonight’s evening program was the much anticipated Lip Sync. I’m not going to lie, it was incredibly impressive. I am talking cabins doing “Glee” mash-ups and “Greece” medleys. It was obvious that cabins have been working hard over the past few days to perfect these performances, and I think it is safe to say that this was the best Lip Sync in Chippewa’s history. It was very cool to see how each cabin worked together to create such a wonderful production. The winners of the evening were Rafter ^ X and Bowed Legs. While the competition was tight, these two cabins stood out above the rest.
Typically, at the end of lip sync, the two winning cabins take a trip to Cathy’s. Lisa decided, however, that because it was her Ten Year, the entire camp should go. It was quite a surprise, and campers & staff alike were ecstatic. As always, the ice cream was delicious and it was the perfect way to end a fabulous day.
That’s about it from #CRC2014. Today was a truly special day, and I know I say this often, but boy do I feel lucky to be a part of this camp summer after summer. Have a great night- thanks for reading!
Happy Camping and Love,