Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,
It is crazy to think that the second Sunday of #CRC2014 has already come and gone…the summer is flying by! Here are today’s highlights…
This morning began with our special Sunday breakfast! Hundreds of pancakes and omelets were made, and both campers and staff enjoyed a delicious meal.
After breakfast, we began a new tradition…Sunday double points cabin clean-up. Everyone was very excited, and to kick off this weekly “program,” the winning cabin (Horseshoe) got to go for ice cream after the evening activity. Cabins looked fantastic and we are all very happy to be starting off with tidy cabins for the week ahead.

- This afternoon, campers signed up for the second two weeks of activities. The messhall was the place to be as campers created their perfect schedules. In addition to sign-ups, cabins were hanging out around camp…some in the lake, some baking, and some playing games in the South Field.

- The CITs returned from their trip right around dinner time. Today’s portion of the trip included visits to North Star Camp and Camp Clearwater. The CITs always love to do the camp tours to see how other camp programs are run. They asked great questions and came back even more eager to make Chippewa such a wonderful summer home for our campers. Needless to say, we are thrilled to have them back at camp and we know that their campers are even happier!

- After Sunday night pizza dinner, we all gathered at the Center Fire Circle for one of the most popular evening programs at Chippewa- Tom Pease. We sang, we danced, and we enjoyed listening to some of our favorite tunes :). Tom has been coming to Chippewa for over thirty years, and we love to sing his songs from the past and learn his new songs. Thomas C and Pamela Adler stopped by for a couple of songs as well. It was fun to have them back and dancing to some old favorites like “Dad Threw the TV Out the Window,” “Pancakes,” and many others.
As you can tell, it was a fantastic cabin day enjoyed by Chippies young and old. There was a ton of cabin bonding and it seems as though the whole camp is really looking forward to the upcoming week! That’s about all for now, but enjoy your evening and thanks for reading!
Happy Camping and Love,