The Sari Diaries- Saturday 6/21/14

Saturday, June 21 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

What a lovely day here in Chippyland! From start to finish, it was full of activities and fun. Here are the highlights…

  1. All day, we had regular activities. In swimming, they did water aerobics, which was a huge hit. In kayaking, campers learning how to recover from a capsize and also how to flip their kayaks in a safe manner. In skiing, many campers mastered new skills and a number of campers got around the lake for the first time. In Chip Chat, they wrote a couple of articles that were posted on Camp in Touch and can be accessed under “News” once you are in your account. All around camp, great things were happening!

  2. On our way to lunch, Cliff and I stopped to chat with a couple of campers who had found a caterpillar and had decided that they were going to care for and raise her. It was very sweet and was one of those special moments that can and would only happen in the camp setting. The campers were from four different age groups and all working together to come up with ideas to create the perfect home for this caterpillar. It was very cool to see and listen to :).

  1. We cheered at lunch for Tan and White which was LOUD! Tomorrow night is Barnyard Bedlum- the traditional opening Tan and White game. It was quite evident that everyone is super excited for the game and that the competition will be fierce, though not as fierce of course, as the sportsmanship!

  2. After lunch, Lakeview (our oldest cabin) got to take a trip to Cathy’s for ice cream because they won the raffle at the Opening Campfire. This trip was very well deserved as Lakeview has truly been setting an excellent example for all of our younger campers. We love to see our Colt Villagers emulating our older campers throughout the summer, and it is always nice when the oldest cabin sets the bar high.

  1. This evening, we headed over to Menominee for a social. There was great music, fun games, and lots of cookies. The boys were great hosts and it was nice for all of the Chippewa/Menominee siblings to get a chance to see each other. Additionally, all of us Chippies were very excited to see Thomas C. and Pamela Adler. They are working for Menominee once again this summer, and we always love to see them and to catch up & chat about old times at Chippewa. They took photos with many of our second generation Chippies and were ecstatic to meet them and share stories!

So there you have it- another wonderful day at #CRC2014. We are looking forward to our very first cabin day tomorrow. We will head into town for part of the day and spend the remainder of the day participating in cabin activities. Thanks for reading and enjoy your night!

Happy Camping and Love,