The Sari Diaries- Saturday 6/14/14

Saturday, June 14 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

I write this blog for the second to last time before the campers arrive. This was another fun-filled day and here are the highlights…

  1. This morning, we had an awesome conversation about teaching “soft skills” at camp. We love for our staff to take so many of the natural lessons of camp and turn them into intentional growing moments for our campers. From disappointment to resilience, from flexibility to leadership, from compassion to confidence and from independence to working with others, there are so many skills that our campers (and staff) gain throughout a summer at camp. This conversation among the staff, both activity and cabin, was a really nice way to ensure we are ready to assist our campers in developing these skills.

  2. For the remainder of the day, cabin counselors made job charts, met with Lisa and prepared the cabin physically and themselves mentally for a summer full of campers. It is amazing how seriously our staff takes the care of the campers and we love to see all of the thought and hard-work they put into the entire pre-camp process, specifically this day, which is dedicated to cabin prep.

  1. This afternoon, Camp Laundry arrived with two HUGE trucks full of Chicagoland camper duffels! The thought of camper arrival truly became a reality as we unloaded hundreds of duffels from the trucks into the theater. It took a big crew but the process was quite organized and made for very easy cabin delivery.

  1. Tonight’s evening program was awesome! The staff was divided into eight teams and each prepared a lip sync. There were new staff, returning staff, young staff and “old” staff on each team. The performances were both hilarious and impressive. If this is any predictor of the how great this summer’s lip syncs will be, I cannot wait!

  1. The night ended at everybody’s favorite ice cream shoppe- Cathy’s! The Unity Club, which is a staff club focused on creating a cohesive staff group, sponsored this field trip. This entire week, the staff has worked incredibly well together. Some of this group came to camp knowing nobody, and already, it feels like a family. The Chippewa culture is genuinely felt through the entire staff, and tonight’s event was just another indication that we are ready for #CRC2014.

So there you have it- another wonderful day to put in the books. Thanks for reading and have a great night!

Happy Camping and Love,