The Sari Diaries- Friday 6/27/14

Friday, June 27 by Sari Hirsch

Dear Chippies, Parents, Family and Friends,

Thanks for checking back with the Sari Diaries! All is well in Chippyland and we enjoyed another wonderful day. Here are the highlights…

  1. This morning, we played an extremely fun game called “Know Your Counselor.” It is a favorite among the campers as they compete to answer questions about their counselors. The enthusiasm was amazing and it was very cute to hear the answers that the campers had about their beloved counselors :).

  1. After lunch, our first sessioners from Circle C, Wagon Ridge and Rafter ^ X headed to Bond Falls for their camping trip. They are having an excellent time and really loved the waterfall. It was a beautiful scene and good times are being had!

  1. Before dinner, there was an awesome volleyball game played by both Colt and Wrangler Village campers. Silverspurs, Lucky-X, Bowed Legs and C-C all participated in the game. We love when our older and younger campers join together throughout the summer. It is very cool to see the younger campers looking up to older campers and the older campers taking a genuine interest in the younger campers.

  2. The theme of the campfire tonight was “Advice From A Tree.” Hannah I, a Lakeview camper, led the program and did a fantastic job. She was articulate and this theme was a fantastic way to remind all of us to appreciate the Earth and take good care of the community in which we live.

  1. The CITs left for their two night camping trip today and they are having a blast. They went to Summerfest this evening and are looking forward to touring camps over the next two days. This trip is always beneficial for both the CITs and the entire camp. Our Counselors in Training get the opportunity to learn from other camps and bring ideas back to Chippewa. We are excited to have them back and to hear all about their experiences.

So that’s about all for today. It was another fantastic day to be at Chippy at #CRC2014. Thanks for reading and have a good night!

Happy Camping and Love,