Congratulations to Anna S, Sarah S, Lauren S, Lisa K, Jessi F, Dylan S, Ella K, Alex M, Simone C, Samantha G, Emily C and Halle G for answering September’s quiz. Each of them will be entered in a raffle and the winner of the raffle will get a trip to Cathy’s for her cabin.
Here are the answers…
- What was the 4th of July theme in 2014?
Sweet Land of Liberty
- Name at least four 2014 Ten-Year Girls.
Lisa Lissner, Kate Bradley, Meredith Epstein, Alexa Polinsky, Morgan Levy, Emilee Markin, Abby Zemach, Phoebe Mintz, Lucy Hoffman, Sydney Perloe, Olivia Sachs and Liza Rosenfeld
- Who are the campers pictured above?
Olivia F and Abigail W
- What is the final Tan & White game played each summer?
Pony Express
- How many tennis courts do we have at Chippewa?
Name at least three countries represented at CRC in 2014.
USA, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Mexico, Colombia
Check back soon for the October Quiz!